Why is everyone picking on the guy, he’s obviously afflicted with Tourettes. 😛
On a more serious note, I wrote about my thoughts on this matter in my Italian online magazine. This post could easily be considered the extended version of War and Peace and therefore, despite being quite interesting in my opinion, I don’t plan on translating it from Italian.
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Yes, the Zed Rant had long repercussions. I am from Brazil and I have written my options here:
And I just posted an interview with Peter Cooper (from Ruby Inside) with his opinions on the matter as well:
Of course, both are personal opinions and should not be taken as ‘official statements’ for anything. Just thought you might be interested.
Babelfish is a kind of friend
Kasper, I believe Google Translate does a better job in this case. It produces some funky sentences in the translation, but overall not that bad. 🙂