Recently IBM announced a really cool development platform called Bluemix. You can try it out for free if you sign up here. I've mentioned it here before, but the idea is that you get to develop applications in the cloud using IBM and third party-provided Cloud hosted components. It's a PaaS, much like Red Hat OpenShift and Heroku.
IBM is helping developers embrace the platform by providing free training. The so-called 200 Bluemix Days are worldwide one day events that are divided into two sessions: an overview (called Advantage) and a hands-on part. You can sign up for either or both (the recommended approach). Seating capacity is limited, but if you sign up now you may still have a good shot at getting in.
If you've done development training with large companies before, you know that this process tends to be quite expensive. Here however, you get that same sort of education for free and also get to experience a new development platform that you might find you're quite the fan of (we are talking Node.js and Redis type of cool components, not Mad Men era mainframes that drove Michael Ginsberg crazy).
On June 18th, I'll take part in the Vancouver, BC one (that's being held in Burnaby). If you'd like to sign up for this or other events, please do so here:
I look forward to seeing you there!
Update: The Vancouver day has been moved to July 24, 2014.
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