I finally got around to updating my recommended Ruby book page. I decided to split it and create two new pages, one for Ruby and the other for Rails. These include new gems (pardon the pun) such as Obie‘s The Rails Way (best book on Rails currently in print) and the fantastic Design Patterns in Ruby.
By the way, the picture on the side is a quick snapshot I took to show some of the Ruby/Rails books I own. In fact, I only recommend books that I own, have borrowed or otherwise thoroughly analyzed. 🙂 I hope you’ll find my suggestions useful.
Recommended Ruby books
Recommended Rails books
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I take it you haven’t got mine then š
I don’t Peter, but we could address that with a review copy. š
I’ll talk to Apress and see what they can do. They have a whole range of Ruby and Rails books now.
Thanks, Peter. š
A quick clarification for my readers. I usually end up buying advanced Ruby/Rails books on my own and when beginners titles are available at a library, I usually borrow them to see how good they are and what approach they take. However I don’t feel compelled to spend 30/40/50 dollars on an introductory book that I don’t need. In the case of Peter’s book, I did not find it in my local libraries therefore I didn’t have a chance to look at it, and a review copy would be useful. That said, even if I should get that book or any other title from Apress, these won’t be featured in the Ruby and Rails book pages unless I deem them to be excellent and as good as the existing titles.
Antonio, nice list that you’ve put together. I am in the midst of writing the Ruby on Rails Bible for Wiley. The book should be available early spring, perhaps in mid-May. Remind me and I’ll see that you get a copy to review as well. Perhaps it will be time to update your list around then! š
Timothy Fisher