Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition

The Pragmatic Programmers have announced the beta release of Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition. The final version of the book, updated to Rails 2, is scheduled to be released for October 2008. Even if the style of the tutorial is not everyone’s cup of tea, this is good news and they surely picked a great author in my fellow IBM colleague Sam Ruby.

Quoting myself from three weeks ago:

I think that the Pragmatic Programmers made a mistake in deciding not to upgrade their Agile Web Development with Rails, 2nd Edition because they left newcomers in a difficult spot. Developers who are experienced with Rails, will just get Obie’s The Rails Way and be fully covered, but those who are new and would like to get started with Rails don’t have many choices. They can get the Pragmatic Programmers’ Rails title mentioned above, but it’s a bit obsolete now and that means extra effort on their part to follow along, installing an old version of the framework, and then figuring out some way to move to the new features that were introduced by Rails 2.0 (soon to be Rails 2.1).

I’m happy to see that they’re working on it. 🙂

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One Response

  1. Norman April 24, 2008

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